3 Green Soldiers against Cancer

3 Green Soldiers against Cancer

more natural foods is proved to maintain good health and fight the worst disease (cancer)
they are Broccoli , Spinach , Wheatgrass

1 - Broccoli


a compound found in broccoli that prevented the further development of tumors by 60% in participants as well as reduced the size of existing tumors? by 75%. Broccoli also contains Vitamin C, Fiber, Calcium, Vitamin K, Beta-Carotene and much more, it is also a great source of iron for those that do not eat meat.

Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which scientific studies have shown to be effective against a specific bacterium that is a common cause of gastric ulcers and gastric cancer. Smokers under the age of 65 are encouraged to indulge in a cup of broccoli a day as studies have shown it to help battle colon cancer cells as well.

and its very effective antibiotic against Helicobacter pylori which is a bacterium that is closely associated with the risk of stomach damage and gastric cancer.

2 - Spinach


Spinach is a powerful food. It contains Vitamins C and E, Beta-Carotene, B vitamins, Calcium, iron and many more natural minerals and nutrients.

Spinach has been shown to help protect the eyes from age-related degeneration. Spinach, as well as other green vegetables, is high in potassium and low in sodium. Along with the mixture of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and other minerals, spinach is great for lowering your blood pressure.

3 - Wheat grass


The most powerful of foods that prevent cancer is wheat grass. Wheat Grass is one of the most beneficial complete foods there is. It is very high in chlorophyll and provides natural detoxification. The chlorophyll found in a liquid ounce of wheat grass and other leafy greens not only cleanses and builds blood, but research now shows that it may also assist in offsetting the adverse effects of radiation. Wheatgrass is one molecule away from hemoglobin in the human blood so it is the closet we can come to a blood transfusion without actually getting a blood transfusion. Now that is a powerful food!

Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants as it contains chlorophyll. The brain and other tissue in the body function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment. Science has proven that chlorophyll stops growth and development of unfriendly bacteria and can assist in increasing low red cell count. It is so nutritionally condensed that 15 pounds of Wheat Grass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and other juices.

Wheatgrass has the following properties:
•Detoxifies the liver
•Cleanses the colon
•Leads to a tangible energy boost
•Boosts the immune system
•Purifies blood as Chlorophyll has similar molecular structure to hemoglobin - a component of blood
•Very rich in chlorophyll
•Contains 97 enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals made famous in the US by Dr. Ann Wigmore in treatment of cancer
•Experience less colds as your resistance to infection increases
•Contains more protein per once than beef


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