Need to increase your appetite?

To help those challenged by a loss of appetite, whether it be due to illness, or the medications used to treat it, Drs. Katz and Block put together the following six tips on how to increase your appetite and stave off malnutrition.

1. If you can eat with family members and friends, do so. Let them know that you are having difficulty with your appetite and ask for their support.
2. Serve food attractively prepared and in a pleasant atmosphere
3. Eat high nutrient food and avoid junk foods and sugar
4. Eat small meals or snacks frequently
5. Add seasoning to help flavor foods
6. Shift eating pattern to coincide with appetite. For example, eat the biggest meal of the day in the morning, if that’s what you are most inclined to do.
7. With your physician’s approval, add light exercise

Studies show that increased intake of nutritious food is especially important for those suffering from cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, an astounding 20% to 40% of cancer patients die from causes related to malnutrition, not from the cancer itself.

So what kind of a diet can fight malnutrition and help a patient combat their disease? "Include cancer and inflammation-fighting phytochemicals (found in abundance in many fruits and vegetables), omega 3 fats, monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, complex carbohydrates and healthy sources of proteins" says Dr. Block. "Eat energy dense/nutrient dense foods such as nut butters; and soy" adds Dr. Katz.

Both doctors agree it is extremely important to avoid "bad" dietary fats such as saturated fats found in milk, cheese, butter, red meat, pork, coconut, and poultry. Eliminate unnatural fats, called trans fat, found abundantly in margarine, hydrogenated oils, as well as many baked goods and convenience foods. Reduce or eliminate simple carbohydrates such as sugar, honey, high fructose corn syrup, concentrated sweeteners, sugary beverages, cookies, cakes, pastries, white bread, crackers and white-flour baked goods. These are high-glycemic foods that cause a sudden rise in blood sugar and ultimately increase inflammation.


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